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These thoughts, memories are easy to implement economic and customize for each friend or family member.
I decided to make a cloth mini-album of photos that my mother and my mother-in-law. These instructions apply to any size photo album - is sufficient to measure the album to get an idea of what fabric you need.
- 3-ring binder / photo album is not (must be new - You'll be making it)
- Add pages of photographs (if albumfinished, or you get stuck in them)
- 1 large sheet of white poster board
- 1 can of adhesive spray (3M works well)
- Craft glue or glue gun
- Scissors and / or tissue rotary tools
- - Fabric 1 piece long enough to cover the outside of the cover and 2 pieces to cover any inside. Allow an inch more often beyond the edges of the disc.
- Silk flowers, appliques, beads, ribbons, lace (optional)
You need three pieces of fabric. You want the pieceoutside of the disc, a piece that folds around the outside of the disk. Allow 1 inch of material along the edges.
Use spray adhesive (available in all craft stores) to glue the fabric. Be sure to newspapers all around you and spray, or, in the end, it was a sticky mess. So do not try to let the fabric stick to the newspaper. Spray the glue directly on the outside of the disk - one side, then back, then the other side. Smooth the fabric asgo, gently smooth any wrinkles beforeit faster (dries you have) a few minutes. You should now be on the outside is completely covered in fabric with 1 inch extra all around the edge of the disc. Paste the thumbs for more material on the sides of the bottom of the inside of the disc. Now fold the top and bottom edges and glue in place. The inside of the spine is still visible for internal hedges are available, then fold the thumb in a continent-wide column in the middle, and then again withPlace. The top and bottom be exposed will be covered by the inside cover.
The next step is to cover the interior. Cut 2 pieces of poster board approximately 1/8-inch smaller (on all pages), the extension to the inside of the photo album. Sure to lay in their photo albums after having cut them to ensure that they are the right size. We want to make sure that the album is still easily open and close when they are available. Cut 2 pieces of fabric to be 1/2-inch bigger (onallsides) that pieces of poster board. Using spray adhesive, glue each piece of poster board into a square of fabric. Fold the remaining half inches of fabric at the top, bottom and sides, and glue on the back of the board of posters. You should now be covered with no exposed fabric edges are finished. Using spray adhesive, glue the inside covers the inside of the front and back inside the new photo album that the album can easily open and close. Done! Now you canadd pages for photos. Here are some additional options:
- If the album is pretty big, you can paste on a photo mat with fabric and in the middle of the front of the disc. You can already cut the mat, or you can purchase your poster designed so that any desired size.
- If you have lace around the edges, which extends to the tip of glue along the edges of the front of the disc after disc of material, and before you paste into it. Thehidden inside the cover on the bottom trim. Glue in place with craft glue or hot glue gun.
- Embellish the cover with applications, beads and silk flowers. Glue in place with craft glue or hot glue gun.
After practice on one of these albums, you will see how easy it is, and you'll be able to see, all the millions of possibilities. These albums can as fancy or simple as you want, and can cost a lot or almost nothing. I have a gift for my sister, aweddingcosts about $ 50, after I have a beautiful fabric, applique, lace, etc. purchased
For Mother's Day, but I found some mini photo albums on sale 2 for $ 3. Keep up to 4 x 6 photos. I'm going to reduce a picture to see a little 'in the form on the title page, and for my family, and one for my husband. When I was in a dead end for the time try to be (some of the material offered for sale only GET request) about ½ feet each for small album. If I have time, I'll do a little shopping at yard sales and try toto get some fabric that way. If you sew, or even many craftsmen, you can have a substance on his hand. It 'also a good idea to have different sized albums, when for sale. Keep looking for extra sets in the sale and distribution of court. Do not forget the unconventional, like sequins and buttons. These thoughtful albums make great gifts for all occasions.
Thanks To : Traveller Program vegetable and fruit Travel in Thailand Power Manager