วันพุธที่ 21 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

3 simple exercises for women Home

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Here are some TOP LEVEL home exercises for women to get the results to large and easily. If you find a way to save money but still need good training, it can be a good alternative to replace with a stake in its gym. You save membership fees, gas money and time! This will free up to a better quality of life with family and friends.

Easy Home Exercises for Women

1st Jumping jacks

This is a little old, but a Goodie ... orcom "Goody." Listen, this is very effective. You do not need an elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill or stairstepper to get a good workout for the whole body.

Try this. Next time you come commercials while watching TV, get up and then jump to the point of the TV series is coming back. It is about 2 minutes. Now imagine if there are more than 10 times here and there in your free time all day and night. This is an easy 20 minutes doing cardio, withoutAnd 'cost a penny and without confusion in your free time with friends and family.

This multi-tasking ... Television and sports.

2nd Mini-trampoline

This is the best at-home exercise in my opinion. It 'awesome for muscle growth and is the best exercise to reduce cellulite in the legs and buttocks into account.

Again, only 2 minutes have the technology to business. Easy was talking about how his can top.

3rd Wall Squats

Get your backs to the wall.Make sure your back firmly against the wall. Now you start squatting on the wall and slide back down. This is a nice alternative to the barbell squat is a gym. How many sets and how many reps you do depends on your fitness level, but certainly for a good 4 sets of 10 repetitions for 2-3 days a week to shoot.

This simple exercise at home to help women get free time and money while you are in good shape pretty fast.

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